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La courbe, 2022

In this project I have moulded a curved mattress. The inspiration for this project came from my daily experience of walking the streets of Paris. On my way home, I noticed that some homeless people had taken up residence in a tiny space next to the entrance of an apartment building. The lack of space doesn't allow their mattresses to lie flat. The mattress and its bend led me to further investigate the conditions that cause the mattress to fold, or the conditions that force it to compromise on maximum stretch and the resulting impact on the body lying on it. The curved mattress is therefore a metaphor in my work. It seeks to address the politics of compromise in the everyday life of an immigrant. My intention to address the antecedent socio-political structures that produce and maintain these conditions led me to seek a method of mapping the curvature of the mattress and to create a structure that would produce the same curve as the mattress.


90 x 90 x 185 cm (Enclosed dimension)

En devenir, 2023
Sans titre, 2023
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